Docker alternative –> Colima


Command Description
.docker run <image/contaner_name>  
docker ps List containers
sudo docker logs logs
docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Image}}" List containers in a nicer way

docker ps –format “table \t\t\t” ignore this in web, obsidian version of above
docker stop Stop
docker stop $(docker ps -aq) Stop All
docker ps -a All container that were ran
docker rm Remove
docker images list images
docker rmi remove images - ENSURE NO CONTAINERS RUN ON IT
docker pull alternative to run, only pulls without running
docker run ubuntu sleep 5 run ubuntu, sleep 5sec, exit ubuntu
docker exec -it container_id bash interactive terminal in container
docker cp container_id:path_to_file local_path copy file from container
docker run –name RUN/download and run image
docker images -a -q | xargs docker rmi -f remove all images
docker run -i interactive mode - map stinput to docker containtainer(no terminal prompts will be provided)
docker run -it <name interactive + terminal prompts
docker run -p 80:5000 map port 80 to 5000 localhost
docker run -v ext_path:internal_docker_path volume mapping of ext docker path to internal in order to persist db
docker inspect inspects container in json format
docker run -e APP_COLOUR=blue set ENV variable within container
docker history shows size of command by dockerfile
You can either open the file using vi /root/webapp-color/Dockerfile (or using commands such as cat/more/less/vim e.t.c) and look for the FROM instruction or search for it directly using grep -i FROM /root/webapp-color/Dockerfile. Check docker file
docker build -t new_app_name Build a docker image using the Dockerfile and name it . No tag to be specified. i.e. `docker build ./` - current dir
docker run cat /etc/*release* inspect OS release version