Learning FPGA notes
My notes and discoveries on various technologies I learn.
Learning FPGA notes
HFT, high-frequency trading, FPGAs
Book notes: High PerformanceBrowser Networking
Notes on Test Driven Development
pfsense firewall takeaways
my learnings and attempt to become CCNA chad
WIP TODO notes
memos on RubyMine setup
C and C++ notes
JS, CSS mad challenge notes
EMACS notes
notes on FPV drones
tmux basics an d iTerm2 ssh commands
notes, useful gems and tricks
security notes, tips, and tricks
How to structure your CLI and not only
1968 demonstration of experimental computer technologies that are now commonplace
Protobuf, Avro, Thrift and other experiments and notes
my findings and tricks
HTMX findings and experiments
git tricks
makefile tricks
a place for my AWS scripts and tricks I discover
list of deployment platforms
options: opt1 - on top of LXC container install (ZeroTier will be a pain) opt2 - VM (preferred) install docker, easiest way below: bash <(curl -s...
proxmox notes
home-assistant notes via Proxmox
never user passwords, always use hardware keys
The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide
My open telemetry notes
Mitre Att&Ck security framework
Passwordless Login
a place for my sh scripts and tricks I discover
my Elixir findings
Machine learning and AI notes
visual editor tricks outside of VIM
3 tips from a great engineer and leader
my shortcuts collection for misc tools
Docker commands and notes
Useful Resources
Collection of my links and notes on learning