Learning Resources, Books, Notes and ToDos
- Exercism - exercises and mentoring (Hackerrank is similar, but without mentoring and CLI)
- Refactoring Guru - Design Patterns made simple, fantastic resource!!!
- Graceful Dev - Superb bite-sized tutorials, tips and tricks on Ruby
- SyntaxFM Podcasts - podcasts recommended by Mike
- Failure Driven - learn from the best, to be the best… right Mike & Selena?
- Destroy All Software - another classic set highly recommended by Gus
- Uncle Bob - Robert Cecil Martin
- Martin Fowler
- Hack The Box - classic pentesting sandbox and exercises
- Video: FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
- Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
- 99 Bottles
- Sidekiq in Practice 👀 also see my notes
- https://martinfowler.com/books/refactoring.html
- Polished Ruby Programming
- ORM Hate by Martin Fowler
- The Vietnam of Computer Science
- further to above Ruby ORM
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