1 minute read

  1. Invest in touch-typing - keeps the flow of thinking and focus on important bits. Your ideas will magically flow onto the screen
  2. User default setup / minimal customization - start working straight away on any system / remote server without being slowed down by unfamiliar environment. vi-bindings in terminal / REPL, tmux are some of the tools worth learning
  3. BDD (Behavior-driven development) - formulate your ideas, Why are you doing this? start with tests!
  4. Outside-in - start with high level tests, and once they stop providing you a frequent feedback (like “hot-cold”) move onto lower-level / unit tests
  5. In my previous civil engineering life, drawings ‘screamed’ this is a “bridge” or an “office building” etc. While software is often screams a generic folder structure or ‘model-view-controller’ @unclebobmartin summed it up just right

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